Big time rush mp3
Big time rush mp3

In 2002, Rush released the Vapor Trails disc and the collection of covers Feedback two years later. For a year he traveled along the North America on his bike and later re-united with the band. During one year, Peart lost his daughter in auto crash and his wife died of cancer. In 1997, Peart left the band and they took a break. In the beginning of 90's, the artist turned back to the guitar rock on discs Roll The Bones, Counterparts and hard rock Test For Echo with the song Limbo. The following tours by Rush were celebrated with the released of A Show Of Hands.


This tradition was continued with the discs Grace Under Pressure (1984), Power Windows (1985) with the hit The Big Money and Hold Your Fire (1987).

big time rush mp3

After the concert album Exit…Stage Left the band switched to the synthesized music on the album Signals of 1982. Moving Pictures (1981) with singles Tom Sawyer and Limelight became the most popular record by Rush. The Permanent Waves album of 1980, contained shorter songs with the flavor of new wave and reggae, demonstrated on such tracks as Freewill and The Spirit Of Radio. Rush started active use of synthesizers, unusual percussions, other exotic instruments and write complicated conceptual tracks. Next albums - A Farewell To Kings and Hemispheres - were recorded in the UK and had a noticeable progressive rock slant. They did it for the best, as 2112 became the first commercially successful album of Rush, while the following support tour was captured on the All The World's A Stage (Live) disc. Rush released 2112, ignoring the studio's recommendations to record the work in a more pop-friendly form. The same year, they released the Caress Of Steel disc, featuring sizeable hard rock compositions as The Necromancer and The Fountain Of Lamneth, consisting of several parts. The album featured their first epic composition By-Tor And The Snow Dog - songs of such type would become common for Rush's creativity. In 1975, they released their second attempt Fly By Night, on which Peart successfully tried himself as the main author of the band's lyrics. They played before Uriah Heep and Manfred Mann's Earth Band. Soon after that change, Rush headed to their first tour around the USA. However, drummer Rutsey left the band and Neil Peart changed him on that place. The single titled Working Man entered the regular play list of one Canadian radio stations and Rush got their moderate fame in their motherland. The music of Rush for that moment was often compared to Led Zeppelin.

big time rush mp3

In such line-up the band recorded their debut Rush in 1974. However, in several weeks after formation Geddy Lee, the schoolmate of Lifeson, changed Jones on bass and vocals. Canadian trio Rush was founded in 1968 in the suburbs of Toronto by Alex Lifeson, Jeff Jones and John Rutsey.

Big time rush mp3